Open Bible Stories was designed by a team of Bible translators, theologians, and Bible teachers to provide essential stories from the Bible for evangelism and discipleship in a way that lays a solid foundation for theological formation and Church-Centric Bible Translation (learn more at Here are the features that make Open Bible Stories unique:
The Gospel for every people group
Effective evangelism. The stories are intentionally selected to provide an effective presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with historical accuracy and doctrinal integrity.
For the Unreached. The stories have proven useful in “entry strategies” for the evangelism of Unreached People Groups, and can be translated by unbelievers.
Low cost, high impact. The careful selection of biblical content and simplified grammar make it possible to translate and use the stories in very little time without compromising the impact of the resource.
Designed for spiritual formation
Essential stories. The resource covers the critical “pillars” of sound doctrine in a concise set of stories that spans the whole Bible.
Theologically rich. The stories address crucial elements of discipleship and leadership training.
Text, audio, video. The resource can be easily distributed by any means, including oral retelling, audio recording, video production, mobile sharing, online distribution, and book publishing.
Introduction to Bible translation
Easy to understand. A simplified text, ideally suited for new translators discovering how to faithfully translate key theological concepts using clear and natural forms of their language.
Bible overview. Provides a complete metanarrative of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, which is crucial for both theological training and Bible translation.
Software available. Easy-to-use software (for desktop and mobile platforms) makes managing and publishing translations simple, as well as providing a seamless transition to Bible translation.
Part of a cohesive strategy
Designed for Training. The software includes exegetical helps and translation materials optimized for “just-in-time” training of the principles that lead to excellence in Bible translation.
Informative. Its ease of translation, low distribution cost, and structured content (simplifying comparison of key terms and language features) make it uniquely useful for researching language patterns and other translation needs.
Just the beginning. The entire resource is made available under an open license, permitting anyone to translate, adapt, and extend Open Bible Stories for any need.